A simpler way to learn math.

From personalized tutoring to entire courses, we have you covered.

At Simply Math we understand that all learners are unique. Differentiated instruction is at the core of what we do.  We design all math courses and tutoring sessions around the needs of the learner.  However,  there are commonalities between all learners.  Our instructional philosophy is based on the following key components:

  • Start with the Vocabulary
  • Build on Prior Knowledge
  • Focus on Concepts not Memorization
  • Give Examples Relevant to the Learner
  • Give Instruction in Manageable Chunks
  • Provide Visual Representations
  • Continually Monitor Student Understanding Through Questioning
We currently offer online math tutoring for the following subjects:
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Algebra 1
  • Geometry
  • Algebra 2
  • SAT/ACT Prep
  • Pre-Calculu (Coming Soon)
  • Calculus (Coming Soon)

We are also in the process of building the following Courses and getting approval by FLDOE to be an online course provider:

  • Algebra 1
  • Geometry
  • Algebra 2
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Calculus
Our course will include Video Lessons from Certified Math Teachers, practice problems with answer keys, as well as auto graded assessments.  You will have the ability to take our courses at your own pace (asynchronously) or with built in due dates (synchronously).   We will be using Canvas as our Learning Management System as Canvas is the preferred LMS of the majority of Florida colleges.  Within Canvas, you will be able to review old lessons, see your gradebook, and keep track of upcoming due dates. 


The following courses are in the process of being built as standalone courses approved by the Florida Department of Education.


Algebra 1

Coming Soon



Coming Soon


Algebra 2

Coming Soon



Comin Soon



Coming Soon


SAT Math Prep

Coming Soon